Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Media Meltdown

My mind is a maelstrom-I looked it up, it's spelled right-of social media sites and advice about social media. Everything I've read is that it's important to get known. You must, blog, tweet, web?, email, Facebook and pretty much stand on your head. My brain is scrambled. I published a book, and now I must advertise, both my book and myself. So, I created a website. I used GoDaddy, and thankfully their cheap one is okay for me since I'm just learning. By the way, their technology support people are really good and very nice. I have a separate Facebook account just for writing. I have two blogs, one for science fiction and one for beginning writers. The second one is only because I can't seem to stop teaching, so, even though I consider myself a beginning author too, I want to help/teach others. And thanks to a young girl on YouTube, I have all kinds of buttons and links. Are people reading about me/my book? I don't know. Are people interested in my blogs? I don't know. Some of the writing advice I have read says that it takes time to get known and collect followers. I'm sure that's true, and I will continue to blog, tweet, web, FB, and email, oh yeah, and google+. Forgot that one. Why? I feel compelled. Now, to be honest, I'm not really doing all of that so I can sell enough books to be financially independent. I know you just said, Yeah, right. I think the reason why I'm not trying to support myself with my writing is because I don't have the confidence in myself that it will ever happen, so it's not a goal of mine-yet. I just want to know what people think of Golden Hope, and how I can improve my writing. And hopefully get noticed so publishing my next book will be easier.
So, I will try to limit, categorize, and develop my social media so that maybe, on the off chance I do get a following they will enjoy my writing. Then maybe I will develop a little bit of confidence and faith in my writing. Who knows? It could happen.

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